Madhumitha Rajendran

Madhumitha Rajendran

Event Manger - Our Society theme

I am a first-year PhD student, working on exhaust after-treatment systems for engines that run on future carbon-free fuels. Before my PhD, I worked on several environmental and urban planning projects, which made me realize the importance of engaging with the very people for whom the project was con…

Olga Iakovenko

Olga Iakovenko

Event Managar - Our Society theme

Having been once a visitor of Pint of Science, this year I return as an organiser and I'm thrilled to help make this event happen! I chose to organise Our Society section because I did my bachelor's in linguistics and I've been fascinated with languages ever since. Currently I am a PhD student at th…

Guanyu Huang

Guanyu Huang

Event Manager - Tech Me Out theme

Guanyu is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science, majoring in human-robot
interaction. With a heart for social science, she is curious about communication in general,
especially interactions between human beings and technological products. Beer is not her
favourite, unless it establi…

Ewan Norris

Ewan Norris

Event Manager - Tech Me Out theme

I’m a PhD student studying digital twins for offshore wind turbine manufacturing, which boils down
to using data science tools to develop sustainable and efficient manufacturing practices. The Aura
CDT for offshore wind and the environment and the Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures
support m…

Natasha Sweeney Fort

Natasha Sweeney Fort

Event Manager - Atoms to Galaxies theme

Hello! I’m Natasha, a third-year materials science PhD student working on enhancing the corrosion
resistance of stainless steels for fuel cell applications. When not in the lab, I enjoy weightlifting,
attempting to play the violin and film photography. I’m keen to show Sheffield that science can b…

Yuejia Zhai

Yuejia Zhai

Event Manager - Atoms to Galaxies theme

I am a PhD student studying tensions in cosmology. My research focuses on constraining models beyond LCDM using Cosmic Microwave Background data. Pint of Science is a great opportunity to share frontier research with people who are interested. Looking forward to meeting you in Sheffield!

Christina Elizabeth Stimson

Christina Elizabeth Stimson

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind theme

Hi! I’m Chrissie, a second-year PhD candidate, working on exploring human-robot futures through Participatory Design as part of the Wellcome Trust-funded ‘imagining technologies for Disability futures’ project. A former literature and cultural studies student, my research interests include posthuman…

Rosie Ogunade

Rosie Ogunade

Event Manager - Beautiful Mind theme

Hello! I am a current MSc Science Communication student and excited to apply it to Pint of Science. With a Bachelors in Psychology, my interests lie in human behaviour specifically, cognition, decision making and perception - so looking forward to taking on the beautiful mind theme.